Season 1

‘Welcome to Why The Long Face?’ - 10/08/19

A psychiatrist and a management consultant walk into a bar. This should be the start of the lamest joke ever. but turns out to be origins of Why The Long Face? - a new Podcast where we hope to shine a light on our wonderful but all-too-frail human spirit.


Episode 1 - ‘Coming Out’ - 12/08/19

In the first episode of Season 1 focusing on depression we cover the problem of stigma in our society, how this shows itself in attitudes and behaviour and how we can challenge it with a different way of thinking about the condition.


Episode 2 - ‘What Is Depression?’ - 19/08/19

In our second episode we discuss the fundamentals of what depression is, and how it manifests itself beyond just sadness. In addition, we focus on how to distinguish a depressive episode from just feeling down.


Episode 3 - ‘The Causes of Depression’ -26/08/19

The causes of depression are numerous and complex and this episode serves as an overview and introduction to the topic. The boys start with the causes of depression focusing on 1. Biological 2. Social and 3. Psychological impacts.


Episode 4 - ‘Can the pressures of social media cause depression?’ - 02/09/19

In our fourth episode Paul and Oliver discuss social media and its potential impact on our mental health. Can amount of usage indicate depression? Is there a gender divide? Can similar correlations be seen across online gaming?


Episode 5 - ‘Do Antidepressants Work?’ - 09/09/19

In our fifth episode, the effectiveness of antidepressants is put to our resident Doctor and his answer is surprisingly blunt! But what do they actually do? Why are there so many different forms? How do we know what works for different individuals?


Episode 6 - ‘The story of loss, grief and depression’?’ - 16/09/19

In our 6th episode of the season, Paul and Oliver look at the impact of loss in our lives and how it affects our mental health, ranging from a bereavement to the end of a relationship. Oliver also asks whether sporting results can have an impact on our mental health - cue Euro 96...


Episode 7 - ‘The Gender Gap - 23/09/19

In our 7th episode, Paul and Oliver discuss the question ‘Is depression more likely or different depending on gender?’.


Episode 8 - ‘Suicide & Assessing Risk’ - 30/09/19

In our 8th episode of the season, Paul and Oliver discuss the complex topic of suicide, how such thoughts can develop and the types of behaviour we should all be aware of spotting.

Episode 9 - ‘Depression In Men’ - 6/10/19

In the 9th episode of the season the discussion is focused on depression in men. From the pressures of society, ‘manliness’ and how men often hide their mental health vulnerabilities. Paul and Oliver also talk their latest (perhaps optimistic) weight loss goals.


Episode 10 - ‘Winter Depression’ - 10/10/19

Released on World Mental Health Day 2019, Paul and Oliver look into why many of us get depressed as the nights drawn in in Northern latitudes, and how we can best combat this.


Short Cut: Depression and Creativity

This is the first of our cute little “Short Cuts”, featuring fascinating snippets which didn’t fill a whole Ep, but are still rather lovely. This week we explore the link between depression and creativity: are they related and can one lead to the other?


Short Cut: Bipolar and Stephen Fry

In the second of our end of season "Short cuts" we discuss the sometimes misunderstood condition, bipolar depression. To help us describe this sometimes bewildering condition, we talk about one of our depressive heroes, Stephen Fry.

Short Cut: ECT

The idea of treating mental illness by subjecting the patient to shock of electricity through the brain seems utterly barbaric. And yet, when all other treatments have failed, should we try something which eases the suffering, even if we don't know quite why? This topic certainly does not come with easy answers, so we try to give the facts and not judge.

Short Cut: Sigmund Freud

We would like to sincerely apologise for the immaturity shown by Oli in this episode. We get the giggles as we talk about the “Father of Psychiatry”